Have a glass of Serenity to be in a peaceful state of mind
Handcrafted to help you feel at peace and tranquil. The flower essences used in Serenity include Wallflower for improved sharing and communication, Twin Flower which promotes compassion for yourself and others and Silver Birch for feelings of flexibility and understanding.
Wallflower - for improved sharing and communicationBeing conscious of the quality of the water energy around us and within is a step to enjoying a healthy, balanced and happy life. Wallflower, the first flower used in Serenity, improves sharing and communication with others, which you need to get in the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
Twin Flower - promotes compassion for yourself and othersFlower essences can stimulate our own ability to heal on all levels of our being simultaneously. They can subtly address imbalances on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. The essence of Twin Flower, part of Conscious Water’s Serenity, is used to promote compassion for yourself and others. Allow yourself time to think and listen to your inner voice.
Silver Birch - for feelings of flexibility and understanding.When we feel better on the inside, we do better on the outside too. We become better beings. We believe that flower essences are a beautiful opportunity to reconnect with our unique true natures – for the good of all. Silver Birch, the 3rd flower used in Serenity, will help with your flexibility and understanding, which will benefit your state of being serene.
Convinced Serenity can help you to be in a peaceful state of mind? Order Serenity today.